Our Story
The world is getting more complex. Today’s society faces challenges that are multi-dimensional, wicked in complexity. How people can live better in such a world will take smart people asking hard questions, and pushing way past expected answers.
Those challenges we face—in educating the next generation, in researching new breakthroughs, in governance and security, in working together in new ways—cannot be solved with traditional models of design.
We exist to solve these complex design challenges.
Nearly 70 years ago, we pioneered an approach that integrates architecture, engineering, and planning to turn the most tangled design challenges into refined and unexpected answers.

Our Approach
We explore far beyond the standard architecture model, leveraging the minds of our design collective to find and refine the smartest, most elegant, and most true solutions.

All together. Different.
Together, this diverse, integrated team of experts works across disciplines, sharing perspectives, inspirations, and ideas. We are bound by mutual trust, aligned by shared values, and united in focus on a single goal—our client’s goal.
We strive to design solutions that are the truest to our client’s aspirations. Yes, design must be beautiful inside, out, and beyond. But we strive for even more—for vital, forward-looking design solutions that provide the greatest positive impact to our clients, communities, and culture.

We are not A, E, or AE. We are integrated and multi-disciplinary—a genuine design collective driven to solve complex challenges.
We are SMMA.