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WELL AP standards in the workplace at SMMA.

Prioritizing Wellness in the Workplace

It’s a known fact that full-time employees often exceed the standardized 40 hours of work time in the office. When...

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The evolution of coworking in the workplace.

Coworking: The Evolution of the Way We Work

The idea of coworking — flexible environments where individuals and companies can share resources, ideas, and...

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Designing Mothers Rooms at SMMA.

Designing for Nursing Mothers at Work

SMMA began working with global biopharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb to improve and expand their existing...

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On Creating Inclusive Environments: You Are Here

I strive to bring emphasis to our consumer habits and retail institutions which have seen little to no change in...

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Technology Fuels Gen Z. But Can that Energy Be Sustained?

Just last spring, we dove into strategies to facilitate communication in our most tech-savvy generation. Now, there...

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