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New Building Codes Set to Change Local Life Science Market

What you need to know about the latest Massachusetts building and energy regulations.In this Q&A, Adrian Walters...

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4 Questions Life Science Companies Should Ask Before Signing a Lease

In the Boston area, the pandemic-era boom in life science development led to more companies being caught out by code...

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Why Early Lab Planning Benefits Developers and Life Science Companies

Amid the pandemic-era rush for new laboratory space, many life science companies made a key misjudgment: That any...

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Accelerating Science Through Flexibility

The lab of the future is going to be more compact, more efficient, and designed for the institution. No longer are...

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Hood Park Reaches New Milestone

SMMA has been engaged with the City of Boston, working on the redevelopment of Hood Park to transform the former...

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Virtual offices viewed through a VR headset

Real Value in Virtual Environments

Virtual reality affords an opportunity to approach and experience projects in ways that are impossible with standard...

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iOS 11 aerial view map

A New Way to See Cities and Spaces

When Apple unveiled the new mobile operating system, iOS 11, SMMA was abuzz about the Maps app, which included brand...

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The Benefits of Airflow Studies

For every project, both architectural and engineering, efficiency is a top priority. For data center clients,...

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